The Choice is Yours.

Writing a letter to your donor’s family is a personal choice. Donor families may find comfort knowing that a transplant was successful and has improved someone’s life. Whatever your decision, there is no obligation and there are no time restrictions.

Whatever your decision, there is no obligation and there are no time restrictions.

Helpful suggestions for writing to a donor family:

  • Do not use first or last names
  • You may wish to tell how the transplant has changed your life
  • Avoid revealing too much of your medical information, including your physician’s name or the hospital where your procedure took place
  • Place your card/note in an unsealed envelope as we review letters to ensure confidentiality and privacy
  • On a separate sheet, include your full name, address, relationship to the donor, and the donor’s name – this is used only by Lions Eye Bank of Nebraska and is not shared

Lions Eye Bank of Nebraska will facilitate the letter exchange to ensure privacy and confidentiality.

Place all items in an envelope and send to:

Lions Eye Bank of Nebraska
Attn: Donor Family Letter
985541 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, Nebraska 68198-5541

Give Your Donor’s Family Time.

Please keep in mind that correspondence may take time. Donor families have suffered a loss and may be grieving. Some donor families may not respond immediately and some may not respond at all.

Thank you for writing to your donor’s family. Your words may provide comfort and a reminder that their loved one will not be forgotten.

We are available for questions and assistance: 402-559-4039 ext.2